I thought I’d write a post on things you may or may not know
about me. We can always call it confessions of a LVADERS fiancé if you will, so
here goes:
Sometimes I have mad days when I feel like life
isn’t fair to me or Jason
Sometimes I really hate the 20 foot cord! It couldn’t
have been a LITTLE longer?
I have days that I am full of faith that Jason
will be here with me forever and days that I’m really scared about it. Now I do believe
no matter if you have health problems or not, when its your time to go, you
If Jason ever left this world before me, my
children would be my will to keep going . If they were gone and moved out with
families of their own, then that would be really hard. I have cried to Jason
before saying I don’t want to live this life without him, but I know deep down
that’s wrong.
I feel guilty when I do things just for me
I often feel overwhelmed
Sometimes get tired of fighting for what’s right for Jason
Sometimes get tired of fighting for what’s right for Jason
If I am talking about Jason and what I feel for
him, I can cry on a drop of a dime no matter where we are. It is very embarrassing
for me, but I can’t help it.
I am over the top passionate about Jason in
every aspect.
I thank God every day that he sent the perfect
man to me, so I would know what unconditional love felt like.
Sometimes I look at him while he’s sleeping, and
he just looks like an angel. But sometimes I look at him and I feel so sad for
him, but I know I should just be happy that he is still here beside me.
I think God often for bring angels into our
lives, and I love that I always know who they are.
I wish that I had a normal life, but then again who really does?
I feel like My friends and family can’t even
begin to understand my life emotionally. I often feel like I can’t relate to
their “normal” life.
I am so proud of Jason for getting an LVAD.
I thank God for giving me strength to fight for
Jason. He also always give me the knowledge to ask the right questions.
I know that God is always with me…ALWAYS.
I have complete faith in God that he will send
Jason a perfect heart in his time
I am so happy when I hear of our LVAD friends
getting a heart, but its hard not to feel sad that
it‘s not
Jason’s time yet. I can’t wait for that day. I will be scared of the unknown,
but I’ll also be so happy I can’t even begin to express it with words.
I know the God has a plan laid out for Jason and
I and because of that we will always trust him.
I know that there is always a reason of
everything you do and every person you meet.
I talk to a few LVADers though email, but one has always
given me tremendous strength and for that I am thankful. In an email not that
long ago, I guess you could say I was feeling defeated and down and this is
what he wrote back:
…….There is a slight defeatism in
your words…excuse me while I slap you…sorry about that but defeat is not an
option. There will be no surrender . There is only better days ahead, try to
maintain a warrior approach for you both and all the gang…Also a good mind set helps,
even in the darkest hours for you both, just hold on embrace each other and stay
strong for each other
I almost cried when I read those words, they were so
powerful. …he is definitely one of the angels I was talking about… and its
times like this that I know God is with me…
I used to have an LVAD, for 15 months. It was easy to feel bitter and feel sorry for myself, yet all I had to do was look at others with more serious problems and realize how much my life was actually normal. Through diet, nutrients and hormone therapy, I was able to heal my heart and return to fully "normal" life. I have written about my success in my book, "One Percent: My Journey Overcoming Heart Disease" to try to inspire and help others. There are ALWAYS options and ALWAYS something that we can do. I was told at the beginning that the odds were 99 to 1 against me getting well, yet I still got well.