Friday, March 29, 2013

My Story...My Miracle

In the spirit of Easter, I thought that it would be very healing for me to share my story, since many people do not know this. This is only a small example that having faith can work miracles. This is my story:

Ten years ago, Austin was 5 years old. By that time I was a single parent and just bought my first home about a year before. I was working privately with a hospice patient, so at that time I did not have health insurance. I was having pain in my back for about a month or so, but I figured it was from doing things around the house, or working out. At times I would cry myself to sleep when the pain became unbearable. One night, I went over my grandmother’s home to stay the night with her, so I could take something for the pain.( That way I knew Austin was safe) .  The pain got worse in the middle of the night and my grandmother took me to the Emergency Room. I found out at that time that I had kidney stones, but I need to follow up with the Urologist the following Monday. I went to the appointment and at that time the doctor ordered more test for that week.

My grandmother used to watch Austin when I worked, so that Friday when I walked into her house I knew something was wrong. She was crying and said the doctor called her and told her I had a mass in my liver, and all I could think was I hope that it’s just a cyst.  The following week I followed up with the Gastroenterologist that ordered more test. My mom When to that appointment with me and we were told then that it was not a cyst, that it was a large solid mass. He added that it was inoperable because of the location. He sent me home with very strong pain medication and told me to make a will.

It was all a little much to take in. Mama was crying and I kept telling her it was going to be ok, not to cry. I told her to stop and get me some paper and envelops, so I could write letters to everyone. I also told her that I wanted to take Austin to Disney World before I got to bad off. He has always wanted to go.  Thank goodness that Austin really didn’t know what was going on at this time, I guess he just thought it was fun having my mom and grandmother over almost constantly. Between my liver and the medication the next few weeks are horrible. I was losing weight and I could hardly keep anything down. I got sick after eating a lot. I was in the bed constantly; I had no strength at all.

One night when mom had taken Austin out , I was by myself. I went to the back door to get some fresh air and sat down. I started praying silently and then out loud. I told him that wasn’t scared to come to Heaven, but that I just couldn’t leave Austin…That he wouldn’t be ok without me. I was talking to him a long time that evening. The following day someone from the Mt. Pleasant church came over to talk and they said to me  “ Shannon, If you die today will you go to Heaven”? I said yes, and he said how? And I’ll never forget this… I said because I’m sweet and I always think about other people. He informed me at that time that being a sweet person wasn’t going to get you into Heaven. I got saved that night, right there in my living room.. and there were many tears shed.

The next day I was feeling a lot better, so I asked my mom if she would take me to get my hair cut. We also took care of the will during this time—and yes that was weird,  but I was very detailed, even my dog Bennington was going to be taken care of once I was gone—yes I said detailed…

In the next week the liver specialist from MCV had ordered test and I had an appointment to go over all of his findings. To my surprise, he said that nothing was in my liver anymore---nothing!!!!! We followed up with blood work, and my liver function panel was normal!!  I was almost dumbfounded. I couldn’t believe it. God gave me the biggest miracle... he gave me my health back and most of all he gave a mom back to her son. Still today I get my Liver levels checked every six months…and they are always normal. Praise God!!!

I agree this post was a little long winded.. but I couldn’t just tell half of the story. Even ten years later I think about that time often.  I thank God that he blessed me, and now I never doubt that no matter what situation Miracles can happen, and he is constantly beside me and watching over me.


Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Our "AFTER LVAD" Bucket List....

I thought it would be fun to post this. I think often about us getting “ the call” and after my honey is medically perfect again…. here is our after LVAD  bucket list :

First and foremost…I think a shower together will be on the agenda.. YES!!!!  Although they have shower bags, Jason has never wanted to try them and until a few months ago our hospital did not recommend them.

I want to jump, run and kiss in the rain with Jason !!!! Wouldn’t that be wonderful??? At this time Jason cannot run or jump because of the LVAD  and we defiantly can’t stand in the rain together –so this would be a dream.

As soon as the weather permits  I want to get professional pictures done of Jason and I on the beach with some shots in the water—Yay!! We can get sand all over us and not have to worry about the driveline –and to be in the ocean with Jason would just be awesome!!

Jason wants to go deep sea fishing .  That would be so much fun. Jason has always loved to fish and we loved to go out on his boat in the summer—and if we got hot?? We’d just jump right in the water!! ..aww how I miss those days.

Jason also wants to go horseback riding again—geez I haven’t been since high school—but I can’t wait!

I can’t forget the big one. Jason wants to go on a cruise—Yikes!! I’m scared even thinking about it!!  I believe a few LVADer’s have been told that can go on a cruise ship, but again is all about being comfortable.

I want to ride a roller coaster with Jason!! I never have been able to—He’s had CHF, ever since we’ve been together —the kids would also just love that, so that would be cool!

After reading this ….If you are perfectly healthy go out and do the little things with the one you love ….What are you waiting for?


·       Are you dating someone with an LVAD or CHF?

·       Are you thinking about dating someone with an LVAD, but are unsure if you should?


I wanted to address this issue, because I was asked and while back to talk to someone that was “thinking” about dating someone with and LVAD , but was unsure if they should or not.

I will say, I was going to broaden the spectrum and talk about ALL or any kind of illness, but when it comes down to it really  all the same…It’s all about love.

   So you just started talking to someone and you find out they have CHF…or maybe that already have an LVAD --- so do you turn around and run?  The truth is, I almost did, but then I realized I was going to be letting FEAR rule my life and determine if I was going to love Jason or not—I couldn’t do that.



I look back now and I can see everything I would’ve missed--- I will warn you though family can be the worse sometimes—because they “care”. I was talking to my grandmother one day recently , I told her that on the outside looking in,  she may be sad that I’m in love with someone that may possibility not be here when I get old and gray. But I told her things might not be perfect, but I am the happiest if ever been in my life—and I have an awesome life… I feel it every day and I love it!!!  Granted things aren’t always easy—but like any relationship it takes work that’s when you will be your love strong enough? --- Are you strong enough? ---(hint) This is a good time for faith to come in…

…To be Continued