As we begin 2012, I can’t help to remember some great events of 2011. First and foremost, I want to Thank God for continuing to watch over Jason every single day. Secondly? ...All the Doctors, Nurses and Staff at MCV. That they have been wonderful is almost an understatement…They have been better than wonderful. It really means a lot to me for them to care about Jason’s health as much as I do.
In May of 2011 Jason and I moved in together. That was HUGE for me. In a perfect world, especially since we have kids we would have continued to live separately until we got married, but what can I say... CHF happens! I felt that it was no longer safe for Jason too live by himself, when there were so many things that could happen. So he moved in, and surprisingly enough I’ve adjusted well…lol. I only work 10 minutes from my house and My father had to moved in 2 years ago, so there is always someone there to watch over him when I’m not there. Not so much now, but It really helped out when Jason came home from the hospital.
...and if you are wondering…we will soon be heading down the road of blissful matrimony, but not quite yet. (but I’m Waiting ..Jason..Hint Hint!)I know he’s here to stay, and he knows I’m not going anywhere. If the CHF and LVAD and everything that comes with it didn’t scare me…nothing will!
...and if you are wondering…we will soon be heading down the road of blissful matrimony, but not quite yet. (but I’m Waiting ..Jason..Hint Hint!)I know he’s here to stay, and he knows I’m not going anywhere. If the CHF and LVAD and everything that comes with it didn’t scare me…nothing will!
I’ve defiantly got to mention all the wonderful people we have met in our LVAD journey. They have been so awesome. When I began this journey with Jason a few weeks Pre- LVAD, I could only count on one hand the support We had. While that meant the world to me, Post –LVAD has been mind blowing! I’ve got to say Facebook is been wonderful. You have so many groups to choose from and everyone is SO sweet! We are still trying to get there with Twitter, but I have full faith that we will in 2012.
Unfortunately, Jason did not get a donor heart in 2011. Again, I will say that I have faith that 2012 will be a great year for us. If he doesn't get one in 2012, I will hold strong to my faith and in the belief that God will lead a to the perfect donor when the time is right.
I hope that 2012 will be a year to create more awareness of LVADS and organ donation and everything else in between. So celebrate the upcoming New Year with a new drive, continued faith, and of course..a lotta love! 
I am in prayer with you both! Again you two are such a blessing to me. When I think of you it makes me smile.. :) Frances